Monday, August 25, 2008

Who is busy, busier or busiest?

The answer would be down to a photo finish, the Michael Phelps 100th of a second, if we could even figure it out! However, everyone is....too busy!
Subsequently our August newsletter became our August/September newsletter. Lazy days of summer is something we have not seen in years. Denise's job allows her more summer flexibility [school is closed!] but then other things take over and the only lazy part is not having to 'dress up' every day. Sweats, jeans, shorts - all good for working at home.

We hope we are back on track, the newsletter is up and running, and you too can get on the list for this FREE newsletter just by emailing us at . We do NOT share or sell our mailing list. You will receive a link to the online newsletter and can look or delete. It won't fill up your mail box!

I didn't say we weren't busy any longer, just on track again. We are each juggling multiple responsibilities which include full time jobs, home businesses, families, and other things we get roped into!