Sunday, January 6, 2008

Hey Sisters!

Well, cool, we all managed to figure it out! There IS some redundancy and non-clarity in Google's signup process, plus sister Linna reminded me that I DID already have a Google account, but did not recall that when getting this set up. That is what happens when one is the oldest and grayest of the lot!!!

Moving on ~ if you haven't figured it out already, there ARE four of us, sisters who started our entrepreneurial ventures as children in Alaska. We are long since grown [yeah, older than dirt, just ask our grandkids!] and each have full time jobs, community committments, husbands, kids, grandkids, mothers [one between us, but mother in laws and aunt in laws etc] to keep things busy. On top of that we have an online business together, and individual ones as well. Drop by the Homestead Store or Fabric Creations or Oh My Gaudy or Bellybutton Bears for a look at some of our hand crafted items.

I am on my last day of break from my job at the local elementary school [office manager, Title I Secretary for the district, etc etc] and suddenly my bear orders for January grew so guess what I need to do today? Cut bears!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Me again Margaret....

Yes, those ARE the four of us, about 50 years ago on the homestead in Alaska....